
class, file_path, encrypted)

Bases: tuple

property encrypted

Alias for field number 2

property file_path

Alias for field number 1

property offset

Alias for field number 0

class*args, part_tool: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs)

Bases: App

Idf App class


elf file path




dict of flasher_args.json


dict[str, Any]


list of (offset, file path, encrypted) of files need to be flashed in




dict of flash settings


dict[str, Any]

FLASH_ARGS_FILENAME = 'flash_args'
FLASH_ARGS_JSON_FILENAME = 'flasher_args.json'
FLASH_PROJECT_ARGS_FILENAME = 'flash_project_args'
RISCV32_TARGETS: ClassVar[List[str]] = ['esp32c3', 'esp32h2', 'esp32c2', 'esp32c6']
XTENSA_TARGETS: ClassVar[List[str]] = ['esp32', 'esp32s2', 'esp32s3']
get_sha256(filepath: str) Optional[str]

Get the sha256 of the file


filepath – path to the file


sha256 value appended to app

property is_riscv32
property is_xtensa
property partition_table: Dict[str, Any]

Returns: partition table dict generated by the partition tool

property parttool_path: str

Returns: Partition tool path

property sdkconfig: Dict[str, Any]

Returns: dict contains all k-v pairs from the sdkconfig file

property target: str

Returns: target chip type

property write_flash_args

Returns: list of flash args

class pytest_embedded_idf.dut.IdfDut(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: IdfUnityDutMixin, SerialDut

Dut class for serial ports connect to Espressif boards which are flashed with ESP-IDF apps


target chip type




skip check core dumped or not while dut teardown if set to True



COREDUMP_UART_END = b'================= CORE DUMP END ================='
COREDUMP_UART_REGEX = re.compile(b'================= CORE DUMP START =================(.+?)================= CORE DUMP END =================', re.DOTALL)
COREDUMP_UART_START = b'================= CORE DUMP START ================='
PANIC_END = b'ELF file SHA256:'
PANIC_START = b'register dump:'
RISCV32_TARGETS = ['esp32c3', 'esp32h2', 'esp32c2', 'esp32c6']
XTENSA_TARGETS = ['esp32', 'esp32s2', 'esp32s3']
app: IdfApp
close() None
property panic_output_decode_script: Optional[str]

Returns: Panic output decode script path

serial: EspSerial
property toolchain_prefix: str

Returns: Toolchain prefix according to the

write(data: AnyStr) None

Write to the MessageQueue instance

class pytest_embedded_idf.linux.LinuxDut(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: Dut

Dut class for Linux targets


LinuxSerial instance



write(data: AnyStr) None

Write to the MessageQueue instance

class pytest_embedded_idf.linux.LinuxSerial(app: IdfApp, **kwargs)

Bases: DuplicateStdoutPopen

Linux serial Dut class

hard_reset() None

Perform a fake hardware reset

class pytest_embedded_idf.serial.IdfSerial(app: IdfApp, target: Optional[str] = None, confirm_target_elf_sha256: bool = False, erase_nvs: bool = False, **kwargs)

Bases: EspSerial

IDF serial Dut class

Auto flash the app while starting test.

dump_flash(partition: Optional[str] = None, address: Optional[str] = None, size: Optional[str] = None, output: Optional[Union[str, TextIO]] = None) Optional[bytes]

Dump the flash bytes into the output file by partition name or by start address and size.

  • output – file path or file stream to write to. File stream should be opened with bytes mode.

  • partition – partition name

  • address – address that start reading from

  • size – read size


None if output is str or file stream. bytes if output is None.

erase_flash(force: bool = False)

Erase the complete flash

erase_partition(partition_name: str) None

Erase the partition provided


partition_name – partition name

flash(app: Optional[IdfApp] = None) None

Flash the app.flash_files to the dut

is_target_flashed_same_elf() bool

Check if the sha256 values are matched between the flashed target and the


True if the sha256 values are matched

load_ram() None
read_flash_elf_sha256() bytes

Read the sha256 digest of the flashed elf file


bytes of sha256

class pytest_embedded_idf.unity_tester.CaseTester(dut: Union[IdfDut, List[IdfDut]])

Bases: object

The Generic tester of all the types


The first dut if there is more than one




The list of the cases



run_all_cases(reset: bool = False, timeout: int = 90, start_retry: int = 3) None

Run all cases

  • reset – whether to perform a hardware reset before running a case

  • timeout – timeout in second

  • start_retry (int) – number of retries for a single case when it is failed to start

run_all_multi_dev_cases(reset: bool = False, timeout: float = 90, start_retry: int = 3) None

Run only multi_device cases

  • reset – whether to perform a hardware reset before running a case

  • timeout – timeout in second

  • start_retry (int) – number of retries for a single case when it is failed to start

run_all_multi_stage_cases(reset: bool = False, timeout: int = 90) None

Run all multi_stage cases

  • reset – whether do a hardware reset before running the case

  • timeout – timeout in second

run_all_normal_cases(reset: bool = False, timeout: int = 90) None

Run all normal cases

  • reset – whether do a hardware reset before running the case

  • timeout – timeout in second

run_case(case: UnittestMenuCase, reset: bool = False, timeout: int = 90, start_retry: int = 3) None

Run a specific case

  • case – the specific case that parsed in test menu

  • reset – whether to perform a hardware reset before running a case

  • timeout – timeout in second, setup time excluded

  • start_retry (int) – number of retries for a single case when it is failed to start

run_multi_dev_case(case: UnittestMenuCase, reset: bool = False, timeout: float = 90, start_retry: int = 3) None

Run a specific multi_device case


Will skip with a warning if the case type is not multi_device

  • case – the specific case that parsed in test menu

  • reset – whether to perform a hardware reset before running a case

  • timeout – timeout in second

  • start_retry (int) – number of retries for a single case when it is failed to start

run_multi_stage_case(case: UnittestMenuCase, reset: bool = False, timeout: int = 90) None

Run a specific multi_stage case


Will skip if the case type is not multi_stage

  • case – the specific case that parsed in test menu

  • reset – whether do a hardware reset before running the case

  • timeout – timeout in second

run_normal_case(case: UnittestMenuCase, reset: bool = False, timeout: int = 90) None

Run a specific normal case


Will skip if the case type is not normal

  • case – the specific case that parsed in test menu

  • reset – whether do a hardware reset before running the case

  • timeout – timeout in second

class pytest_embedded_idf.unity_tester.IdfUnityDutMixin(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: object

This mixin class provide ESP-IDF modified unity test framework related functions.

confirm_write(write_str: Any, *, expect_pattern: Optional[Any] = None, expect_str: Optional[Any] = None, timeout: int = 1, retry_times: int = 3)
parse_test_menu(ready_line: str = 'Press ENTER to see the list of tests', pattern="Here's the test menu, pick your combo:(.+)Enter test for running.", trigger: str = '') List[UnittestMenuCase]
static parse_unity_menu_from_str(s: str) List[UnittestMenuCase]
run_all_single_board_cases(group: Optional[Union[str, list]] = None, reset: bool = False, timeout: float = 30, run_ignore_cases: bool = False, name: Optional[Union[str, list]] = None, attributes: Optional[dict] = None, dry_run: bool = False) None

Run all single board cases, including multi_stage cases, and normal cases


If a group, name, and attributes are used together, then if test case matches any of them, it will be selected.

  • group – test case group or a list of test case groups to run. Supports ‘and’ with ‘&’. Supports group inversion with ‘!’.

  • reset – Whether to perform a hardware reset before running a test case.

  • timeout – Timeout in seconds. (Default: 30 seconds)

  • run_ignore_cases – Whether to run ignored test cases or not.

  • name – test case name or a list of test case names to run.

  • attributes – Dictionary of attributes to filter and run test cases.

  • dry_run – If True, then just show a list of test case names without running them. (please set the logging level as INFO to see them)

run_single_board_case(name: str, reset: bool = False, timeout: float = 30) None
property test_menu: List[UnittestMenuCase]
class pytest_embedded_idf.unity_tester.MultiDevRunTestManager(duts, case, start_retry, wait_for_menu_timeout, runtest_timeout)

Bases: object

Manager for control dut generator function

static get_merge_data(test_cases_attr: List[Dict]) Dict
get_processed_report_data(res: List[Any]) List[Dict]
class pytest_embedded_idf.unity_tester.UnittestMenuCase(index: int, name: str, type: str, keywords: List[str], groups: List[str], attributes: Dict[str, Any], subcases: List[Dict[str, Any]])

Bases: object

Dataclass of esp-idf unit test cases parsed from test menu

attributes: Dict[str, Any]

Dict of attributes of this case, which is used to describe timeout duration,

groups: List[str]

List of groups of this case, this is usually the component which this case belongs to.

index: int

The index of the case, which can be used to run this case.

property is_ignored
keywords: List[str]

List of additional keywords of this case. For now, we have disable and ignore.

name: str

The name of the case.

subcases: List[Dict[str, Any]]

List of dict of subcases of this case, if this case is a multi_stage or multi_device one.

type: str

Type of this case, which can be normal multi_stage or multi_device.