

This component uses the LEDC peripheral to generate PWM signals for independent control of servos with up to 16 channels (ESP32 chips support 16 channels and ESP32-S2 chips support 8 channels) at a selectable frequency of 50 ~ 400 Hz. When using this layer of APIs, users only need to specify the servo group, channel and target angle to realize the angle control of a servo.

Generally, there is a reference signal inside the servo generating a fixed period and pulse width, which is used to compare with the input PWM signal to output a voltage difference so as to control the rotation direction and angle of a motor. A common 180 angular rotation servo usually takes 20 ms (50 Hz) as a clock period and 0.5 ~ 2.5 ms as its high level pulse, making it rotates between 0 ~ 180 degrees.

This component can be used in scenarios with lower control accuracy requirements, such as toy cars, remote control robots, home automation, etc.


  1. Initialization: Use servo_init() to initialize a channel. Please note that ESP32 contains two sets of channels as LEDC_LOW_SPEED_MODE and LEDC_HIGH_SPEED_MODE, while some chip may only support one channel. The configuration items in this step mainly include maximum angle, signal frequency, and minimum and maximum input pulse width to calculate the correspondence between angle and duty cycle; as well as pins and channels to specify the correspondence with chip pins and LEDC channels, respectively;

  2. Set a target angle: use servo_write_angle() to specify the servo group, channel and target angle so as to realize angle control of the servo;

  3. Read the current angle: you can use servo_read_angle() to read the current angle of the servo. Please note that this is a theoretical number calculated based on the input signal;

  4. De-initialization: you can use servo_deinit() to de-initialize a group of channels when a group of servos is used any more.

Application Example

servo_config_t servo_cfg = {
    .max_angle = 180,
    .min_width_us = 500,
    .max_width_us = 2500,
    .freq = 50,
    .timer_number = LEDC_TIMER_0,
    .channels = {
        .servo_pin = {
        .ch = {
    .channel_number = 8,
} ;
iot_servo_init(LEDC_LOW_SPEED_MODE, &servo_cfg);

float angle = 100.0f;

// Set angle to 100 degree
iot_servo_write_angle(LEDC_LOW_SPEED_MODE, 0, angle);

// Get current angle of servo
iot_servo_read_angle(LEDC_LOW_SPEED_MODE, 0, &angle);

//deinit servo

API Reference

Header File


esp_err_t iot_servo_init(ledc_mode_t speed_mode, const servo_config_t *config)

Initialize ledc to control the servo.


  • ESP_OK Success

  • ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG Parameter error

  • ESP_FAIL Configure ledc failed

  • speed_mode: Select the LEDC channel group with specified speed mode. Note that not all targets support high speed mode.

  • config: Pointer of servo configure struct

esp_err_t iot_servo_deinit(ledc_mode_t speed_mode)

Deinitialize ledc for servo.


  • ESP_OK Success

  • speed_mode: Select the LEDC channel group with specified speed mode.

esp_err_t iot_servo_write_angle(ledc_mode_t speed_mode, uint8_t channel, float angle)

Set the servo motor to a certain angle.


This API is not thread-safe


  • ESP_OK Success

  • ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG Parameter error

  • speed_mode: Select the LEDC channel group with specified speed mode.

  • channel: LEDC channel, select from ledc_channel_t

  • angle: The angle to go

esp_err_t iot_servo_read_angle(ledc_mode_t speed_mode, uint8_t channel, float *angle)

Read current angle of one channel.


  • ESP_OK Success

  • ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG Parameter error

  • speed_mode: Select the LEDC channel group with specified speed mode.

  • channel: LEDC channel, select from ledc_channel_t

  • angle: Current angle of the channel


struct servo_channel_t

Configuration of servo motor channel.

Public Members

gpio_num_t servo_pin[LEDC_CHANNEL_MAX]

Pin number of pwm output

ledc_channel_t ch[LEDC_CHANNEL_MAX]

The ledc channel which used

struct servo_config_t

Configuration of servo motor.

Public Members

uint16_t max_angle

Servo max angle

uint16_t min_width_us

Pulse width corresponding to minimum angle, which is usually 500us

uint16_t max_width_us

Pulse width corresponding to maximum angle, which is usually 2500us

uint32_t freq

PWM frequency

ledc_timer_t timer_number

Timer number of ledc

servo_channel_t channels

Channels to use

uint8_t channel_number

Total channel number