How to clone project and compile it

For specific supported modules, please refer to factory_param_data.csv

ESP32 platform

Hardware Introduction

The WROOM32 Board sends AT commands through UART1 by default.

  • GPIO16 is RXD
  • GPIO17 is TXD
  • GPIO14 is RTS
  • GPIO15 is CTS

The debug log will be output through UART0 by default, where TXD0 is GPIO1 and RXD0 is GPIO3, but user can change it in menuconfig if needed:

make menuconfig –> Component config –> Common ESP-related –> UART for console output


Please pay attention to possible conflicts of the pins

  • If choosing AT through HSPI, you can get the information of the HSPI pin by make menuconfig –> Component config –> AT –> AT hspi settings
  • If enabling AT ethernet support, you can get the information of the ethernet pin from

Compiling and flashing the project

Suppose you have completed the installation of the compiler environment for ESP-IDF, if not, you should complete it referring to ESP-IDF Getting Started Guide. Then, to compile ESP-AT project properly, please do the following additional steps:

step 1: install python>=3.8
step 2: [install pip](
step 3: install the following python packages with pip: pip install pyyaml xlrd

Compiling the ESP-AT is the same as compiling any other project based on the ESP-IDF:


Please do not set IDF_PATH unless you know ESP-AT project in particular. ESP-IDF will automatically be cloned.

  1. You can clone the project into an empty directory using command:

    git clone --recursive
  2. rm sdkconfig to remove the old configuration and rm -rf esp-idf to remove the old ESP-IDF if you want to compile other esp platform AT.

  3. Set the latest default configuration by make defconfig.

  4. make menuconfig -> Serial flasher config to configure the serial port for downloading.

  5. make flash or make flash SILENCE=1 to compile the project and download it into the flash, and make flash SILENCE=1 will remove some logs to reduce firmware size.

    • Or you can call make to compile it, and follow the printed instructions to download the bin files into flash by yourself.
    • make print_flash_cmd can be used to print the addresses of downloading.
    • More details are in the esp-idf README.
    • If enable BT feature, the firmware size will be much larger, please make sure it does not exceed the ota partition size.
  6. make factory_bin to combine factory bin, by default, the factory bin is 4MB flash size, DIO flash mode and 40MHz flash speed. If you want use this command, you must first run:: - make print_flash_cmd | tail -n 1 > build/download.config to generate build/download.config.

  7. If the ESP-AT bin fails to boot, and prints “ota data partition invalid”, you should run make erase_flash to erase the entire flash.

ESP32S2 platform

Hardware Introduction

The WROOM32S2 Board sends AT commands through UART1 by default.

  • GPIO18 is RXD
  • GPIO17 is TXD
  • GPIO19 is RTS
  • GPIO20 is CTS

The debug log will output through UART0 by default, which TXD0 is GPIO1 and RXD0 is GPIO3, but user can change it in menuconfig if needed:

make menuconfig –> Component config –> Common ESP-related –> UART for console output

Compiling and flashing the project

Suppose you have completed the installation of the compiler environment for ESP-IDF, if not, you should complete it referring to ESP-IDF Getting Started Guide. If required download the compiler toolchain. Then, to compile ESP-AT project properly, please do the following additional steps:

step1:python > 3.8.0
step2:[install pip](
step3:install the following python packages with pip3: pip3 install pyyaml xlrd

Compiling the ESP-AT is the same as compiling any other project based on the ESP-IDF:


Please do not set IDF_PATH unless you know ESP-AT project in particular. ESP-IDF will automatically be cloned.

  1. You can clone the project into an empty directory using command:

    git clone --recursive
  2. rm sdkconfig to remove the old configuration and rm -rf esp-idf to remove the old ESP-IDF if you want to compile other esp platform AT.

  3. Set esp module information:

    export ESP_AT_PROJECT_PATH=$(pwd)
  4. ./esp-idf/tools/ -DIDF_TARGET=esp32s2 build to compile the project and download it into the flash, and ./esp-idf/tools/ -DIDF_TARGET=esp32s2 -DSILENCE=1 build will remove some logs to reduce firmware size.

Follow the printed instructions to download the bin files into flash by yourself.

ESP8266 platform

Hardware Introduction

The ESP8266 WROOM 02 Board sends AT commands through UART0 by default.

  • GPIO13 is RXD
  • GPIO15 is TXD
  • GPIO1 is RTS
  • GPIO3 is CTS

The debug log will output through UART1 by default, which TXD0 is GPIO2, but user can change it in menuconfig if needed:

make menuconfig –> Component config –> ESP8266-specific –> UART for console output

Compiling and flashing the project

Suppose you have completed the installation of the compiler environment for ESP-IDF, if not, you should complete it referring to ESP8266 RTOS SDK Getting Started Guide. Then, to compile ESP-AT project properly, please do the following additional steps:

step1:install python 2.7 or python 3.x
step2:[install pip](
step3:install the following python packages with pip: pip install pyyaml xlrd

Compiling the ESP-AT is the same as compiling any other project based on the ESP-IDF:


Please do not set IDF_PATH unless you know ESP-AT project in particular. ESP-IDF will automatically be cloned.**

  1. You can clone the project into an empty directory using command:

    git clone --recursive
  2. Change the Makefile from:

    export ESP_AT_MODULE_NAME ?= WROOM-32

    to be:

    export ESP_AT_MODULE_NAME ?= WROOM-02
  3. rm sdkconfig to remove the old configuration and rm -rf esp-idf to remove the old ESP-IDF if you want to compile other esp platform AT.

  4. Set the latest default configuration by make defconfig.

  5. make menuconfig -> Serial flasher config to configure the serial port for downloading.

  6. make flash or make flash SILENCE=1 to compile the project and download it into the flash, and make flash SILENCE=1 will remove some logs to reduce firmware size.

    • Or you can call make to compile it, and follow the printed instructions to download the bin files into flash by yourself.
    • make print_flash_cmd can be used to print the addresses of downloading.
    • More details are in the ESP-IDF README.
  7. make factory_bin to combine factory bin, by default, the factory bin is 4MB flash size, DIO flash mode and 40MHz flash speed. If you want use this command, you must fisrt run make print_flash_cmd | tail -n 1 > build/download.config to generate build/download.config.

  8. If the ESP-AT bin fails to boot, and prints “ota data partition invalid”, you should run make erase_flash to erase the entire flash.