Index of Abbreviations ======================= .. glossary:: A2DP Advanced Audio Distribution Profile 高级音频分发框架 ADC Analog-to-Digital Converter 模拟数字转换器 ALPN Application Layer Protocol Negotiation 应用层协议协商 AT port AT port is the general name of AT log port (that is used to output log) and AT command port (that is used to send AT commands and receive responses). Please refer to :doc:`Get_Started/Hardware_connection` for default AT port pins and :doc:`Compile_and_Develop/How_to_set_AT_port_pin` for how to customize them. AT 端口是 AT 日志端口(用于输出日志)和 AT 命令端口(用于发送 AT 命令和接收响应)的总称。请参考 :doc:`Get_Started/Hardware_connection` 了解默认的 AT 端口管脚,参考 :doc:`Compile_and_Develop/How_to_set_AT_port_pin` 了解如何自定义 AT 端口管脚。 Bluetooth LE Bluetooth Low Energy 低功耗蓝牙 BluFi Wi-Fi network configuration function via Bluetooth channel BluFi 是一款基于蓝牙通道的 Wi-Fi 网络配置功能 DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol 动态主机配置协议 DNS Domain Name System 域名系统 DTIM Delivery Traffic Indication Map 延迟传输指示映射 GATTC Generic Attributes client GATT 客户端 GATTS Generic Attributes server GATT 服务器 HID Human Interface Device 人机接口设备 I2C Inter-Integrated Circuit 集成电路总线 ICMP Intemet Control Message Protocol 因特网控制报文协议 LWT Last Will and Testament 遗嘱 MAC Media Access Control MAC 地址 mDNS Multicast Domain Name System 多播 DNS MSB Most Significant Bit 最高有效位 MTU maximum transmission unit 最大传输单元 NVS Non-Volatile Storage 非易失性存储器 Normal Transmission Mode Default Transmission Mode In normal transmission mode, users can send AT commands. For examples, users can send MCU data received by AT command port to the opposite end of transmission by :ref:`AT+CIPSEND `; and the data received from the opposite end of transmission will also be returned to MCU through AT command port with additional prompt: `+IPD`. During a normal transmission, if the connection breaks, ESP devices will give a prompt and will not attempt to reconnect. More details are in :term:`Transmission Mode Shift Diagram`. 普通传输模式 默认传输模式 在普通传输模式下,用户可以发送 AT 命令。 例如,用户可以通过 :ref:`AT+CIPSEND ` 命令,发送 AT 命令口收到的 MCU 数据到传输对端。从传输对端收到的数据,会通过 AT 命令口返回给 MCU,同时会附带 `+IPD` 信息。 普通传输模式时,如果连接断开,ESP 不会重连,并提示连接断开。 更多介绍请参考 :term:`Transmission Mode Shift Diagram`。 Passthrough Mode Also called as "Passthrough Sending & Receiving Mode". In passthrough mode, users cannot send AT commands except special :ref:`+++ ` command. All MCU data received by AT command port will be sent to the opposite end of transmission without any modification; and the data received from the opposite end of transmission will also be returned to MCU through AT command port without any modification. During the Wi-Fi passthrough transmission, if the connection breaks, ESP devices will keep trying to reconnect until :ref:`+++ ` is input to exit the passthrough transmission. More details are in :term:`Transmission Mode Shift Diagram`. 透传模式 也称为 “透传发送接收模式”。 在透传模式下,用户不能发送其它 AT 命令,除了特别的 :ref:`+++ ` 命令。AT 命令口收到的所有的 MCU 数据都将无修改地,发送到传输对端。从传输对端收到的数据也会通过 AT 命令口无修改地,返回给 MCU。 Wi-Fi 透传模式传输时,如果连接断开,ESP 会不停地尝试重连,此时单独输入 :ref:`+++ ` 退出透传,则停止重连。 更多介绍请参考 :term:`Transmission Mode Shift Diagram`。 Transmission Mode Shift Diagram .. figure:: ../_static/intro-tt-mode.png :align: center :alt: Transmission Mode Shift Diagram :figclass: align-center Transmission Mode Shift Diagram More details are in the following introduction. * :term:`Normal Transmission Mode` (:term:`普通传输模式`) * :term:`Passthrough Receiving Mode` (:term:`透传接收模式`) * :term:`Passthrough Mode` (:term:`透传模式`) * :ref:`AT+CIPMODE ` * :ref:`AT+CIPSEND ` * :ref:`+++ ` * :ref:`AT+SAVETRANSLINK ` Passthrough Receiving Mode The temporary mode between :term:`Normal Transmission Mode` and :term:`Passthrough Mode`. In passthrough receiving mode, AT cannot send any data to the opposite end of transmission; but the data received from the opposite end of transmission can be returned to MCU through AT command port without any modification. More details are in :term:`Transmission Mode Shift Diagram`. 透传接收模式 在 :term:`普通传输模式` 和 :term:`透传模式` 之间的一个临时模式。 在透传接收模式,AT 不能发送数据到传输对端;但 AT 可以收到来自传输对端的数据,通过 AT 命令口无修改地返回给 MCU。更多介绍请参考 :term:`Transmission Mode Shift Diagram`。 PBC Push Button Configuration 按钮配置 PCI Authentication Payment Card Industry Authentication. In ESP-AT project, it refers to all Wi-Fi authentication modes except OPEN and WEP. PCI 认证,在 ESP-AT 工程中指的是除 OPEN 和 WEP 以外的 Wi-Fi 认证模式。 PLCP Physical Layer Convergence Procedure PLCP 协议,即物理层会聚协议 PMF protected management frame 受保护的管理帧 PSK Pre-shared Key 预共享密钥 PWM Pulse-Width Modulation 脉冲宽度调制 QoS Quality of Service 服务质量 RTC Real Time Controller. A group of circuits in SoC that keeps working in any chip mode and at any time. 实时控制器,为 SoC 中的一组电路,在任何芯片模式下都能随时保持工作。 SMP Security Manager Protocol 安全管理协议 SNI Server Name Indication 服务器名称指示 SNTP Simple Network Time Protocol 简单网络时间协议 SPI Serial Peripheral Interface 串行外设接口 SPP Serial Port Profile SPP 协议,即串口协议 SSL Secure Sockets Layer SSL 协议,即安全套接字协议 TLS Transport Layer Security TLS 协议,即传输层安全性协议 URC Unsolicited Result Code 非请求结果码,一般为模组给 MCU 的串口返回 UTC Coordinated Universal Time 协调世界时 UUID universally unique identifier 通用唯一识别码 WEP Wired-Equivalent Privacy WEP 加密方式,即有线等效加密 WPA Wi-Fi Protected Access Wi-Fi 保护访问 WPA2 Wi-Fi Protected Access II Wi-Fi 保护访问 II WPS Wi-Fi Protected Setup Wi-Fi 保护设置